
Health & Nutrition

World Vegan Day – 3 Key Tips for a Vegan Diet

1st November marks World Vegan Day and the start of World Vegan Month. World Vegan Day 2023 is a global celebration of veganism and its positive impact on the planet, animals, and human health. It encourages people around the world to explore and embrace a vegan lifestyle and serves as an opportunity to educate the […]

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Health & Nutrition

Do you need to cut carbohydrates out of your diet to be healthy?

Carbohydrates have received a pretty bad rep over the years. They are often the first things which are shunned at the start of a diet overhaul. This is often regardless of whether your goal is to lose weight or to simply eat a little ‘better’.  A quick online review confirms this, as after searching for […]

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Following a low-carb diet bring you closer to your fitness goal!

Want to get in shape with less effort? A low-carb diet may be the answer. It prohibits consuming carbohydrates, including food items like starchy vegetables, fruit, and grains. Low carb diet concentrates on food items

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Cancer diet: Foods to add and avoid during cancer treatment

When facing cancer treatment, knowing how to use nutrition and food choices as part of your overall recovery plan is essential. While there is no specific "cancer diet," research shows that certain foods during your

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Health & Nutrition

How to Spot a Diet Fad

Thanks to diet culture, most Brits have dieted at some point in their life, with the average Brit trying 126 diets in their lifetime, according to a Love Fresh Berries poll carried out in 2020. It goes without saying that the 126 diets tried are not effective or sustainable, so why do people opt for […]

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Health & Nutrition

What Do The FFF Nutritionists Think About The Keto Diet?

1. What is a Ketogenic diet? A ketogenic diet is a diet with a very high fat content, moderate protein and very low carbohydrate content. There are variations

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Health & Nutrition

How to get your diet back on track in Lockdown

January New Year's resolutions often mean the pledge to get healthy. This can be hard at the best of times, let alone in lockdown. Finally hit those goals with FFF.

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Health & Nutrition

3 Ways Your Diet Might Be Impacting Your Mood

Today's blog looks into research between diet and mood and how the food that we eat can impact our frame of mind, whether that be positive or negative

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Health & Nutrition

Understanding Diet and Cholesterol

Cholesterol has previously been given a bad rap. Whilst there are 'good' and 'bad' types of cholesterol, this is why it remains an essential molecule in the body.

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Health & Nutrition

How Does the Cost of Food Affect Diet?

The rising cost of food is having an impact on what diet the UK eats given that healthier items often cost more.

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