
Top 5 Tips to Refocus for Autumn

As September rolls around, it’s the perfect time to refocus on both your health and work productivity. After the summer break, getting back into the swing of things can feel overwhelming, but with the right approach, you can balance your well-being with your professional goals. Prioritising your health is key to staying productive and energised. […]

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Health & Nutrition

The UK: A Malnourished Nation

Malnutrition in the UK: A Dual Public Health Challenge When we think of malnourishment, it’s easy to picture emaciated figures in distant, developing nations. However, the reality is that malnutrition is not confined to far-off places—it’s a silent crisis affecting people right here in the United Kingdom. In a country often associated with affluence and […]

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Bene Menu: Sicilian Lemon Cheesecake Recipe

As you may know, we recently launched ‘Bene Meals’! Our new menu which highlights our commitment to offering a taste of Italian summers, inspired by ‘cibo povero’; traditional Italian dishes born out of scarcity but rich in flavour and nutrition.  This time we’re back with yet another tasty dessert recipe from our new menu for […]

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Health & Nutrition

Bene Menu: Cacao and Coffee Balls Recipe

As you may know, we recently launched ‘Bene Meals’! Our new menu highlights our commitment to offering a taste of Italian summers, inspired by ‘cibo povero’; traditional Italian dishes born out of scarcity but rich in flavour and nutrition.  This time we’re back with a tasty dessert recipe from our new menu to try for […]

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Health & Nutrition

Discover the Power of Collagen with Ethos

In the quest for eternal youth and vitality, collagen has emerged as a star player in the health and wellness industry. From glowing skin to pain-free joints, it promises many benefits. Collagen is an unwavering buzzword in the health and beauty industry and supplementing with collagen is becoming far more common.  Here’s where Ethos come […]

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Health & Nutrition

How Can A Personalised Plan Help You Reach Your Goals?

This summer, our ‘Bene Meals’ initiative is more than just a menu; it’s a movement towards integrating joy, health, and social responsibility into every meal, celebrating food and community, and supporting those who need it most via the London Soup Kitchen. We’ve set out on a mission to help clients Feel Good, Do Good and Look […]

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How to Beat The 3 PM Slump!

We’ve all been there – that dreaded afternoon slump when your energy levels plummet, and all you can think about is curling up for a nap. It’s incredibly frustrating, especially when your to-do list is still a mile long, and the workday is far from over. But fear not! There are effective ways to power […]

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Do You Need to Rethink Your Summer Tipple of Choice?

Summer is the perfect time to relax with a refreshing drink, but are your go-to choices the best options when you have a fat loss goal in mind? In this blog, we’ll delve into some common summer drink choices and suggest some more optimal choices to help you continue tracking towards your goals! We’ll also […]

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The Science of Altruism: Why Doing Good Makes Us Feel Good

This summer, our ‘Bene Meals’ initiative is more than just a menu; it’s a movement towards integrating joy, health, and social responsibility into every meal, celebrating food and community, and supporting those who need it most via the London Soup Kitchen. We all know that giving back makes us feel good, but we wanted to […]

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Class Review: Elevate at Apex Fitness LDN

This month’s class review is on the Elevate Upper Body class at Apex Fitness LDN. The Elevate classes at Apex focus on Strength and Conditioning, targeting either the upper or lower body through compound movements and accessory exercises. These sessions aim to enhance strength, power, and muscular endurance.  Studio overview Located in Southwest London, Apex […]

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