
Health & Nutrition

Is MSG Actually Bad for You?

Monosodium glutamate, commonly known as MSG, is a substance that has sparked much debate in the world of nutrition over the years. From its origins to its controversial reputation, understanding MSG is essential for making informed dietary choices. The main question is – is MSG actually bad for you? Let’s dive in! What is MSG? […]

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Coffee vs. Nootropics: Which is the Better Morning Boost?

Are you caffeine-sensitive? Considering replacing your morning cup of coffee with nootropics? Or want to know more about what nootropics are? We’ve got you covered! First up… What Are They? Nootropics, often referred to as “smart drugs” or cognitive enhancers, are substances that can improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in […]

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Health & Nutrition

Is Everyone A Nutritionist Now? Part 2: Practical Tips

As noted in Part 1, I was interviewed on the rise of social media nutritionists for Elle UK and gave my views on what to look out for when it comes to nutrition advice online. As part of the interview, I gave my take on how to make changes to your nutrition and lifestyle, but […]

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Health & Nutrition

Is Everyone A Nutritionist Now? Part 1: The Rise of Social Media Nutritionists

I’m Meghan, Senior Nutritionist at Fresh Fitness Food. Recently, I was interviewed for Elle UK about the rise of social media nutrition experts – what to be wary of, how to know who to trust, and the impact that it all has on us. If you’re muddled by the multitude of misinformation online, keep reading. […]

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Health & Nutrition

Is ‘Superfood’ A Marketing Term?

The term ‘superfood’ has become a buzzword in the world of nutrition and, more notably, the marketing industry, in the last few years. A word with connotations of quick-fixes, impossibly high health standards, and “clean” eating. Behind the allure of these so-called superfoods lies a complex web of marketing strategies, nutritional science, and consumer trends. […]

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Street Food

Why is Street Food Is So Good?

People often ask me why I love street food so much? And why street food is good? Actually no one ever asks me this question, and few (as per the statistics) will search for the

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Looking for some healthy and tasty snacks? Your wait is over!

Are you hungry? Have you been feeling the urge to have some mid-time snacks to curb your hunger? But are not able to decide on what to eat that is both healthy and tasty, then

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Health & Nutrition

Is There a Relationship Between Nutrition Preferences and Eating Disorders?

In Part one of this two part blog series, we discussed a number of different dietary preferences which are adopted for a range of reasons and how they can be considered restrictive. In part two, we’re going to delve a little deeper into the potential relationship between diet/ nutrition preferences and eating disorders, in particular […]

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What is the difference between Durian and Jackfruit?

Durian and Jackfruit, what are the differences and what do they have in common? When you travel to south-East Asia there is a hell of a lot “musts” on the culinary “to-do list”. In my

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What is Heart Rate Variability?

Heart rate variability, (or HRV) is yet another acronym to add to our vocabulary and a data point that we can (and should?) track to help build a picture of our fitness. With the continuous development of intelligent wearable tech emerging on the market, we suddenly have all of this information at our fingertips, something […]

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