

7 Tips On How to Have a Healthy Bank Holiday

With the weather warming and the excitement for summer starting, Bank Holidays in Britain normally mean two things: booze, and BBQs.  Despite the fun and festivities around Bank Holidays, it can be difficult to navigate the nutritional side of things and make the best choices for yourself through this period. A fine balance between enjoyment […]

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Health & Nutrition

Continuous glucose monitors – should healthy people use them?

Continuous glucose monitors, or CGMs have been rapidly gaining popularity over the past few years, with a greater acceleration over the past few months, thanks to TikTok influencers and companies such as ZOE.  What are continuous glucose monitors? Continuous glucose monitors are wearable devices that you attach to your body (normally on your arm) and […]

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Health & Nutrition

Do you need to cut carbohydrates out of your diet to be healthy?

Carbohydrates have received a pretty bad rep over the years. They are often the first things which are shunned at the start of a diet overhaul. This is often regardless of whether your goal is to lose weight or to simply eat a little ‘better’.  A quick online review confirms this, as after searching for […]

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5 ways to stay healthy and energetic your entire life

Everyone wishes to achieve their desired fitness goals at the earliest possible timeline. Fitness challenges, crash diets, and self-help books all have the same message- get your life together in ‘n’ number of days. The

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Looking for some healthy and tasty snacks? Your wait is over!

Are you hungry? Have you been feeling the urge to have some mid-time snacks to curb your hunger? But are not able to decide on what to eat that is both healthy and tasty, then

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Health & Nutrition

8 Tips for a Healthier You – Healthy Eating Week 2023

12-16th June 2023 marks ‘Healthy Eating Week’ in the UK, which aims to promote and support healthier lifestyles, this year, focussing on everyone. With the cost of living crisis continuing, the affordability of sustaining a healthy diet has been seriously impacted (check out our previous post on how the cost of food affects diet, here), […]

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5 Tips On How to Have a Healthy Bank Holiday

May 2023: the month of the bank holidays. With the weather holding out for once and after a long, cold and wet winter, spirits across the UK are high.  Along with the longer-than-usual break from work stress, for most Brits, Bank Holidays are associated with BBQs and booze, with a hefty 712 million pints estimated […]

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Top 5 American Vodkas With A Healthy Twist

Drink Me showcases the lifestyle through the glass. Discover imbibe sensations, with daily features, guides and lists and stories on the greatest wine, beer, spirits and drink gadgets this planet has to offer.

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Health & Nutrition

5 Healthy Habits to Support your Immunity this Winter

Discover these simple, preventative measures you can take to support your immunity during the colder months to keep those colds and flus away.

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Health & Nutrition

It’s Vegan, So It’s Healthy, Right?

When you picture a typical vegan diet, you probably think salads and green smoothies. Vegan diets are thought of as being healthy as they promote the

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