
Fast Food

The Top 5 Fast Food Restaurants in China

What are the top 5 fast food restaurants in China? Ah to live in China, something I am now approaching my 14th year doing. When I tell people that I live there, they almost immediately

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Fast Food

What’s the best street food in the world’s least visited countries?

Traveling around the least visited countries in the world with Young Pioneer Tours seems to have become my yearly rite of passage. Travelling and street food, as this blog would imply, are obviously two of

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The Top 5 Fast Food Restaurants in China

What are the top 5 fast food restaurants in China? Ah to live in China, something I am now approaching my 14th year doing. When I tell people that I live there, they almost immediately

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Fast Food

Vietnamese Fast Food – Lotteria is it any good?

Move over McDonalds, Lotteria is the biggest fast-food franchise in Vietnam. It’s been a  while since I wrote about the fast food cuisine of a nation, with my being about the general culinary abortion that

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Fast Food

How to Eat Bun Cha in Hanoi

How to Eat Bun Cha in Hanoi? Al Gore, the former VP of US and A, was famous for inventing internet. But did you know President Obama was not just famous for inventing being first

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Fast Food

Top 7 tips for eating and drinking in Hong Kong 7-11

Hong Kong is a damned expensive place to eat and drink, especially when compared to Mainland China, but there’s a cheat used by expats and visitors alike and that is 7-11. Now as an avowed Marxist (according to the media

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Fast Food

Saved by Mala Tang – Lunching in Dandong

OK – so I seriously need to get something off of my chest, and that is Chinese food. Tell people that you live in China, as I have done for the last 12 years and

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Fast Food

Happy Bar and Grill – the Bulgarian Chain

I used to despise anything vaguely like a franchise restaurant and would refuse to eat McDonald’s (my rebellious phase), I have since mellowed greatly to certain franchises, but I can’t stand places dominated by them.

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Snack Food

Cambodia Fast Food – 12 of the Best – 2022 Guide

What is the Cambodia fast food scene? This week has proved a fast-food media frenzy in Cambodia with the news and indeed proof that Bodega Fresh Fruit and Snacks had begun delivering McDonalds! I know

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Fast Food


I’ve been a huge Fanta fan since I was a kid, having not realised it was a Nazi invention. I briefly had a fling with Tango in the UK, but generally speaking I’ve been loyal

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