

5 Common Fat Loss Challenges

Making dietary and lifestyle changes goes arm in arm with your fat loss goal. At times, however, it is not uncommon for there to be some challenges with it. We’ve rounded up a few common challenges, along with some tips on how to approach and hopefully overcome them! 1. You may have set yourself unrealistic […]

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How YOU can lose weight in Asia (advice from a fat guy).

Believe it, or not my multitute of loyal fans never message me to ask how to lose weight in Asia, but really they should, as over the last 6 months i was able to drop

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Fact or Fiction: Exploring the Truth Behind 5 Popular Fat Loss Myths

Fat loss is a common goal for many people, and with so much information available online, it can be extremely challenging to know what to believe. Unfortunately, a lot of the widely circulated ideas about losing weight are based on myths rather than facts. These myths can be harmful because they may not only advocate […]

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Health & Nutrition

Tom Brazier: Top Ten Tips For Fat Loss

With the mass amount of information available out there, it's easy to get lost in it all, and ultimately become totally confused by the mass fads, and

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Health & Nutrition

Macros 2.0: Fat

Fats were once demonised in the same way that carbohydrates are today. What is considered the first real diet book by some, dates back to May 1863. William

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Health & Nutrition

Fat loss – what to eat and the truth about ‘fat burning’ foods

'Best foods to jumpstart your metabolism and burn fat!' Sound familiar? There is a multitude of online articles that claim there are certain foods that 'burn

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Health & Nutrition

Losing weight vs losing fat: what’s the difference?

At FFF we frequently get requests to help clients lose X amount of weight – often in an ambitious time frame to say the least. Losing weight vs losing fat:

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Health & Nutrition

Where to start with fat loss?

"All diets follow the same principle. Whether you lose or gain weight is determined by the energy balance which simply means calories eaten minus calories

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Fat Loss – 8 steps to get started

Fat loss is a hot topic especially at this time of the year, and everyone claims to have the answer as to how to shed the Christmas pounds as quickly, and with

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