
Health & Nutrition

Internet Nutrition: Fact or Fiction?

It can be so easy to get swept up by random 'helpful' posts on the internet, but it can be challenging to know what is genuine, accurate advice, and what is

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Fast Food

Big Macs Around The World: How Different Is A Big Mac in Japan? Or Sweden? Or Russia?

Eating fast food abroad There’s a bit of social stigma around going to eat at a fast-food restaurant when you’re on holiday, let’s be honest. If you were jetting off on your summer holidays and told

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Should you work out in the morning or evening? (3-4 minutes read)

Heading to the gym is almost a regular part of our week once again as we near April 12th and the easing of lockdown restrictions. For most, this will mean

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HIIT: hype or hope for all time-stuck gym rats?

Exercise plays a vital role in staying healthy. However, many people struggle to make time to do so on a regular basis. We all have busy jobs, long commutes and

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