

5 Nutrition Trends for 2024

Sifting through the available nutrition information has always been tricky. This is largely due to the sheer volume of information and the rise of non-credentialed individuals on social media. It makes it difficult to know what to trust and what information to carry into your own health and well-being practices.  As the year comes to […]

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5 Tips For Reducing Food Waste Over Christmas

As we settle into the most wonderful time of the year, delight in the company of loved ones, and savour plenty of mince pies and mulled wine, we often get caught up and neglect to consider the impact we, as a nation, have on the environment in this time. Upon enjoying our Christmas dinners, the […]

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5 Essential Tips for This Pub Season

It’s that time again, where in the heart of the pub, rugby enthusiasts come together, their spirits soaring as they watch the Rugby World Cup. The roar of the crowd, the thrill of every tackle, and the joy of victory or defeat shared over a pint. Over the next few weeks, visits to the pub […]

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Training for Hyrox – Tips from Our Community

Hyrox is back in London on 25th and 26th of November, so we’re on hand to provide you with some insider information on how to tackle this mega event. For those of you who may not know, HYROX combines both running & functional workout stations, where participants run 1km, followed by 1 functional workout station, […]

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Health & Nutrition

Nutrition for Hyrox – Pre-Event Tips for Top Performance

Are you ready to take your athletic performance to the next level? Hyrox, the premier fitness competition that challenges your strength, endurance, and mental fortitude, requires a well-rounded approach to nutrition. Whether you’re a seasoned Hyrox competitor or a newcomer looking to conquer this ultimate test of fitness, your diet plays a crucial role in […]

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Health & Nutrition

Nutrition for Hyrox – Event Day Tips for Peak Performance

Hyrox is back in London on the 25th and 26th of November, so we’re on hand to provide you with some insider information for the big day! We’ve already delved into our top tips for the lead-up to the event and some first-hand intel from one of our FFF affiliates. Therefore, in this blog post, […]

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Health & Nutrition

World Vegan Day – 3 Key Tips for a Vegan Diet

1st November marks World Vegan Day and the start of World Vegan Month. World Vegan Day 2023 is a global celebration of veganism and its positive impact on the planet, animals, and human health. It encourages people around the world to explore and embrace a vegan lifestyle and serves as an opportunity to educate the […]

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5 Tasty Recipes for Your Picky Eater

Getting picky eaters to try new foods can be an incredibly frustrating experience for parents. No matter how hard you try, it seems like they want to eat the same handful of foods day after

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Health & Nutrition

Nutrition Strategies for Running a Half Marathon

Running a half marathon is no easy feat! It requires strength, determination and a whole lot of high-quality fuel.  With the Royal Parks Half Marathon just around the corner and having done it myself, we thought it would be the perfect time to share our top nutritional strategies you should implement around running a half […]

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Health & Nutrition

5 Key Considerations For Fuelling 5KM

We’re back for our 4th year bringing the community together to give back. A quick sweat, a lot of fun and an incredible cause. As a team, we’ll be taking to Battersea Park for our annual Strides for the Streets 5km event. We are raising money for The Soup Kitchen London, a charity we have […]

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