

The Symbiotic Relationship Between Physical and Mental Wellbeing

November is the start of Men’s Health Awareness Month, also known as ‘Movember’. It is an annual global campaign that encourages men to grow moustaches and participate in various activities. The aim is to raise awareness about men’s health issues. These include prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health challenges, and suicide prevention. During this month, […]

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Health & Nutrition

Is There a Relationship Between Nutrition Preferences and Eating Disorders?

In Part one of this two part blog series, we discussed a number of different dietary preferences which are adopted for a range of reasons and how they can be considered restrictive. In part two, we’re going to delve a little deeper into the potential relationship between diet/ nutrition preferences and eating disorders, in particular […]

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Health & Nutrition

The Relationship between our Brain and our Gut

There's a reason the gut is called the second brain but why exactly is that? And what effects can a damaged gut have on the rest of the body?

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Health & Nutrition

The Relationship between Nutrition and Mental Health

It is widely acknowledged that eating a nutritious and balanced diet is good for one's physical health, leading to a decrease in the risk of developing

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Health & Nutrition

Improving Your Relationship With Food

Exploring the relationship we have with food in relation to hunger cues, detoxes, emotional eating, cravings and restriction.

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