

Epic Images

One might argue that deep down I have always been The Street Food Guy, although my current blogging incarnation as such has been going for just under a year – in that time I have

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Epic Images from Serbia and Bosnia

Spending two months filming in Albania really took a toll on my sanity, hopefully, our Castle Freak reboot will make it all worthwhile, so my holiday to Serbia and Bosnia was very much appreciated! It

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Epic Pacific Island Photos

This December regular as clockwork I’ll be back in the Pacific Islands guiding our Least Visited Countries Tour. These nations despite being some of the least visited truly are some of the most beautiful on

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Epic Images From Micronesia

I see a lot of new countries, but it is particularly nice when I get to decree a nation one of my favourites, and the Federated States of Micronesia gets the Gareth seal of approval.

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Street Food

Epic Images of Street Food

I discussed in my previous blog about what it takes to make an epic image and did a subsequent blog on epic images. My main problem with the said blog was that as the Street

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