Cambodia Fast Food – 12 of the Best – 2022 Guide

What is the Cambodia fast food scene? This week has proved a fast-food media frenzy in Cambodia with the news and indeed proof that Bodega Fresh Fruit and Snacks had begun delivering McDonalds! I know this because I had one delivered!

You can read the story about it here

In short there is no McDonalds in Cambodia, buy they do got a lot of other fine fast food – we’ve therefore prepared the Cambodia Fast Food Guide for 2022. We include the best global franchises, but also some great indigenous Cambodia Fast Food for those needing a bit more variety

Cambodia Fast Food 10 of the best

10 – Bodega Fresh Fruit and Snacks

Cambodia Fast Food

OK, so these are not a fast food company, but they sneak in at number 10 quite simply because they DELIVER MCDONALDS! OK, so you will pay 8 bucks for a Big Mac, but serious times need serous measures.

You can read their story here

9) Molly’s Sandwich shop

Cambodia Fast Food
Molly’s Sandwich

Dear Molly makes it to number 9 merely because she is only in Phnom Penh. There is no Subway’s in Cambodia, Molly’s is literally the next best thing. Insider tip she gives you 7, not 6 inches.

You can read about Molly’s here

8) Brooklyn’s Pizza

Cambodia Fast Food

They only rank at 8th because they are solely in Phnom Penh, but they will hopefully be expanding. There is a lot of bad pizza in Phnom Penh, but these guys are good and they deliver.

You can check out their website here

7) Street Food Cambodia!!!!!

Cambodia Fast Food
Street food Cambodia

Fast food and street food are very much same same, but different. Many vendors do stuff like hot-dogs, fried chicken and even burgers. And of course you cannot go wrong with Cambodian BBQ.

You can read about street food in Phnom Penh here .

6) Pizza 4P’s

Street Food Rome
Pizza 4P’s

Absolute hipster pizza with fresh ingredients with a Japanese/Vietnamese flare to them. Their pizzas are legendary and they have just opened their first international branch in Phnom Penh!

You can read more about them here .

5) Carl’s Junior

I have only had Carl’s Junior once since being here and really do not get all the hype. The burgers are OK though and they now have 4 stores in the capital, so are available on most food apps. A Solid member of the Cambodian fast food scene.

You can read about Carl’s Junior here

4) Pong Cambodia

These were an accidental discovery by me and only happened by way of me finding out about the McDonalds deliveries. Pong specialize in Sandgers (we will explain in a different post), BUT they do an AMAZING set of breakfast muffins modeled on the McMuffins of McDonalds. They have a few stores in Phnom Penh, as well as Sihanoukville and Siem Reap.

You can read about Pong here

3) Lotteria

Cambodia Fast Food
Lotteria Phnom Penh

Lotteria a huge Korean/Japanese burger franchise that dominate the market in Vietnam, part of the reason McDonalds has flunked there.They have just two stores in Phnom Penh, they are a bit expensive, but heck we love em!

You can read about Lotteria here

2) Burger King

Cambodia Fast Food
Burger King

As the saying goes if you love McDonalds you love McDonalds, if you love burgers you love Burger King. Are Burger King the reason McDonalds cannot enter Cambodia? Who knows, but they do a bloody good job!

To read which countries do and don’t have Burger King click here

1) KFC

Cambodia Fast Food
KFC Phnom Penh

The colonel can be good, like in the Philippines, or bad like in China. Cambodian KFC falls somewhere in the middle. They are though the biggest of the western franchisees in the country and you can never go wrong with a bucket!

Bonus Round – Seoul Noodles

This is not fast food, nor is it particularly good food, but these are the only franchise you find literally everywhere, even places like Stung Treng and Prey Veng.

Double bonus round for Cambodian Fast Food 2022 – Five Star

CP 5 Star
CP 5 Star

Theres one other chain that you see not just in the city, but more importantly almost everywhere in Cambodia, including the boonies. You can read our review on 5 Star here, but a fabulous place on rest stops for hot-dogs pretty much. One of the biggest franchises in Cambodia.

You can read about them here .

And that is the Cambodian fast food guide for 2022 – Street Food Guy got you covered

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