Getting Your First Street Food Business Off The Ground

“It’s cheaper than restaurant food, the quality is good, it’s cooked right in front of you, and it’s very tasty.” These are just a few of the reasons why Americans are absolutely in love with street food. Even before the pandemic, street food trucks and carts had been officially accepted as a business concept, however, these days, more and more entrepreneurs are itching to get into this lucrative business. Before you jump in, however, there are a few key points to consider in order to achieve success. Here’s what you’ll need to get started. 

Food licenses

There are several licenses that you will need to obtain before you can legally start selling street food. Firstly you will need a Food Service Business License, as well as a General Business License. You will need to submit an application to the state’s Department of Health in order to get these. They will then send out an inspector to consider your application before granting the licenses. The cost of a Food Service Business License can be between $100-$1,000 and is dependent on the number of seats within a restaurant, so for a street food truck without seating, you will be at the bottom of this scale. If you are planning on serving alcohol, you will need a separate license for that. 

Business insurance

Having food business insurance is essential if you are running a street food truck. This will make sure that you are completely protected if something unexpected happens. Your business insurance will cover any employees that you have, in case of incident or injury. You will also need a commercial auto insurance policy for your truck. This will cover you in case of an accident or collision that happens whilst you are on the road. 

Zoning requirements

When you are running a street food truck, you can’t just pull up and park anywhere – many towns and cities have zoning restrictions. Often food trucks will be limited to parking only in certain locations. Your county clerk will be able to provide you with details of where you can and can’t park your truck. You may also find that you are only allowed to park for a couple of hours, and will also have to pay for parking meters. So before you get out on the road, make sure that you are legally allowed to sell food from where you are planning to park. 

A street food truck is a great business option if you want to share the food that you love with customers. Before you get on the road though, make sure that you have the right licenses and insurance, so that you are legally allowed to be running your truck. 

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