In the run-up to summer we all want to feel great and be fully prepared to strut our stuff along the beach. Although in saying this, putting in practical steps to ensure we achieve this can be easily pushed down the priority list, and we start to make excuses as it draws closer and closer…Not this year – make more time for yourself and start summer strong!

Get Strong for Summer | Fresh Fitness Food BlogGet Strong for Summer | Fresh Fitness Food Blog

Take your training outdoors – make the most of the nice weather and move your workout out of the sweaty confines of the gym to your local park. If running isn’t your thing, try putting together a small bodyweight circuit or give a bootcamp class a go. In addition, outdoor exercise is said to have psychological benefits and can combat anxiety and stress, as well as bringing another dimension of variety to your workouts.

Get a training partner – it’s so easy to talk yourself out of going to the gym if you’re feeling tired or had a long day at work. Agreeing to go with someone else is more of a commitment. It makes you more determined to keep to your word as you don’t want to let the other person down. Your sessions will undoubtedly improve as you’ll push each other when you may’ve called it a day on your own. It also helps to have a little bit of healthy competition between you to spur you on!
Start a training diary – keep a record of your workouts, what you did and how it went. This is a great way to keep track of where you are at, and to document the progress you’ve made over the weeks. If you haven’t seen the desired improvements, it will help identify the areas you need to work on.
Plan a summer holiday – whether this means jetting off to a sunny location for hours of relaxation or going on an action-packed sight-seeing weekend, get something planned. It helps to have something to look forward to and can motivate you to eat right, exercise more and feel better overall.
Get some vitamin D – vitamin D is produced in your skin in response to exposure to sunlight. It has many benefits, namely keeping bones, teeth and muscles healthy. It does this by regulating absorption and monitoring the quantities of calcium and phosphate in the body.
Research has also suggested vitamin D may plays a part in normalising mood. It makes sense…you can’t be in a bad mood when you’re at the beach can you?
Optimise your diet – improving your diet has unlimited benefits. Not only will you feel better and have more stable moods, but you will also be less tired and have reduced stress levels. Additionally, your productivity at work and at the gym will increase. Eating more of what your body needs provides physical benefits, by strengthening your hair and nails and improving your skin. Not sure what you should be eating or feel a little overwhelmed by all the information out there? That’s where we can help! Our Summer Package can get you on track and feeling fab!

Get involved in our #StrongforSummer Challenge!

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