‘There has been an awakening… have you felt it? A rise in gym attendance is hot on our heels with those seeking ‘summer bodies’ flocking to their local gym, attending classes and just generally partaking in all kinds of craziness to get the summer body they desire’.
So listen up for a tip or two to help you maximise your time, get better results and make the summer body the same body all year round.
Tip 1) There are no shortcuts. You can’t trick your body into loosing fat or gaining muscle. Spend less time looking for miracle supplements or “detox” plans and more time actually eating better and training with purpose.
Tip 2) If you still think skipping meals, not eating fat and lots of cardio are the way to not gain weight, use the money you would spend on the gym and go to the library instead. You should be reading books not training.

Fit for Summer, Jamie Farrell | Fresh Fitness Food BlogFit for Summer, Jamie Farrell | Fresh Fitness Food Blog

Tip 3) Training partners can be helpful to keep motivation, just as long as the person doesn’t turn into an unqualified personal trainer overnight after reading a couple of articles online. Listen to your body and workout accordingly.
Tip 4) Take the weight down. Strength training, in my opinion is an absolute necessity and for some, can be a great way to attain desired body composition, but it requires a strong base and competent guidance to perform successfully and with good technique. For your average person training on their own looking for visible difference in a short period of time, a good option will be to go for high volume. That means lighter weights and higher reps. Not using rotten technique with a weight too heavy for you.
Tip 5) If you have not had a period in which you have monitored your dietary habits and worked out your daily calorie and macro nutrient ratio based upon your individual requirements, anything you follow or carry out is going to be generic. Generic plans get short term results.
Tip 6) Plan for next year. For most to get the look they desire it requires muscle tissue development, which can take more than a few weeks for you to notice changes.
You can’t expect to get the body of your dreams after a handful of sessions, so start building those foundations. Train with long term purpose, rather than falling out of shape at certain points in the year.

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