

What is the difference between Durian and Jackfruit?

Durian and Jackfruit, what are the differences and what do they have in common? When you travel to south-East Asia there is a hell of a lot “musts” on the culinary “to-do list”. In my

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Cambodian Durian

Cambodian Durian or Khmer durian is one of the most popular fruits in Cambodia. Durian has quiet the controversial fruit, in Malaysia, it is almost a religion, in Singapore, it is universally loved, but throughout

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Can Durian and Beer kill you?

Can mixing durian with beer kill you? The short answer is technically yes, but you’d have to be really unlucky. That being said mixing both of them in high enough amounts will not be pleasant

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Stone Head Durian Beer

Stone Head Durian Beer, or to give it its more grandiose title “Durian Cahnee Weizen” was something I recently discovered in Phnom Penh. Durian is one of those things you either love, or hate, I

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