5 Best Street Food places in Cambodia

What are the 5 best street food places in Cambodia? I have written extensively on the best street foods of Phnom Penh (among many other places) as well as a in depth look at Khmer cuisine.

To read about the best street foods of Phnom Penh click here .

To read about Khmer cuisine .

Now I am approaching 1 year in the Kingdom I am looking back on my travels through the nation. I have seen some great places, and in the interests of this article, eaten some great food.

So where are the best street food places in Cambodia, where should the gastronomical traveler go?

5 Best Street Food places in Cambodia

5) Koh Kong Waterfront

Koh Kong is a bit of a shithole to be fair, but the one saving gracee of the place is that they got amazing street food. Head down to the waterfront and of crazy. Obviously seafood heavy. Had some amazing squid and even baby stingray – at least it looked like that. Spent $40 in 2 nights, but it was worth it!

To read about Street Food in Koh Kong click here

Street Food Koh Kong - 5 Best Street Food places in Cambodia
street food Koh Kong

4) 60 Meter Street Siem Reap

One of my first discoveries in Cambodia. This place has everything from BBQ to Khmer desserts. The main thing here though is the bugs. It is all about the bugs. I am to a huge fan of eating insects, but hey when in Rome.

To read about 60 meter street click here

To read what people ate in Democratic Kampuchea click here

3) Koh Rong

Koh Rong is not exactly famous for food, but it is such a beautiful place that whatever you eat is enjoyable. A very eclectic dining cuisine. Highlights include fresh seafood on the beach and even pizza, BUT the best thing is get it on with the locals for some beach BBQ action. Lots of beer certainly helps!

2) Phnom Penh

Phnom Penh is the culinary capital of Cambodia and you also get the best street food here. There are lots of places to get great food, but by the river is probably my favourite. Great squid, like everywhere, but a true highlight is Phnom Penh street oysters.

To read about Phnom Penh street food click here

1) Kep Crab Market

My most recent discovery, but also the best. Kep is a really nice seaside town. Kep Crab market is so famous it is a tourist attraction in its own right. S many highlights, but octopus, whole baby crabs and the 1kg of shrimps in bag that we ate in one sitting stand out the most.

To read the Kep Crab Market guide click here .

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