Fueling the Distance: Mastering Intra-Run Nutrition for Peak Marathon Performance

With less than a month to go until the London Marathon, runners are fine-tuning their preparations, focusing on everything from tapering and rest to the crucial aspect of intra-run nutrition.

Running a marathon is not just a test of physical fitness; it’s a comprehensive challenge that demands attention to health, a healthy diet, and consistent exercise. To tackle this endurance feat successfully, focusing on intra-run nutrition becomes paramount. Proper nutrition during a marathon can significantly influence your energy levels, performance, and overall experience.

Here are our 6 top tips to ensure you maintain your stride and vitality throughout the 26.2 miles/ 42km.

This is not only applicable on race day but also for your longer runs. Treat these as test runs for the big day. It’s important to give this ago ahead of time, so you know what works for you!

1. Understand Your Needs

The first step in planning your intra-run nutrition is understanding your body’s needs. During a marathon, your body primarily burns carbohydrates for fuel. However, your muscle glycogen stores, the primary source of carbohydrates, are limited and can become depleted throughout the race.

To prevent “hitting the wall,” a term used to describe the point at which a runner runs out of glycogen, it’s essential to replenish these stores by consuming carbohydrates during the run.

2. Start Early and Be Consistent

Don’t wait until you’re feeling tired or hungry to start fueling. Begin consuming carbohydrates early in the race, ideally within the first 30-45 minutes, and continue at regular intervals.

A common recommendation is to ingest 30-60 grams of carbohydrates per hour. This can vary based on individual tolerance and needs, so it’s essential to practice your nutrition strategy during long training runs to find what works best for you.

3. Choose Easily Digestible Foods

When selecting foods or products for intra-run nutrition, opt for those that are easily digestible to minimise the risk of gastrointestinal distress, which is a common issue for marathon runners.

Energy gels, chews, and sports drinks are popular choices as they are designed to be absorbed quickly and provide a rapid source of energy. These products often contain a blend of glucose and fructose to maximise carbohydrate absorption and utilisation.

Try to avoid relying on what the race offers, and pack your own fuel – fuel you have tested and run with before.

4. Stay Hydrated

Hydration is an integral part of your nutrition strategy. Dehydration by as little as 2% of body weight can impair your performance. While water is essential, relying solely on water, especially during a marathon, can dilute your body’s sodium levels, leading to a condition known as hyponatremia. To prevent this, include electrolyte-rich sports drinks in your hydration plan to help maintain electrolyte balance and improve fluid absorption.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

Every runner’s body is different, so what works for one person may not work for another. It’s crucial to experiment with different types and timings of nutrition during your training runs. This not only helps you understand what your stomach can tolerate but also allows you to refine your strategy based on how your body responds.

Never introduce new things on race day, as this may have an unwanted (and potentially uncomfortable) effect!

6. Be Flexible and Listen to Your Body

Despite having a well-planned nutrition strategy, it’s essential to be flexible and listen to your body on race day. Various factors, such as weather conditions and how you’re feeling, can affect your nutritional needs. If you find yourself struggling with energy levels or gastrointestinal discomfort, be prepared to adjust your plan accordingly.

In conclusion, mastering intra-run nutrition is a key component to a successful marathon experience. By understanding your body’s needs, starting early, choosing easily digestible foods, staying hydrated, practising your nutrition strategy, and being flexible, you can maintain energy levels, avoid common pitfalls, and achieve your marathon goals. Remember, the foundation of a great race is laid long before you toe the start line, with each training run providing an opportunity to refine your approach to intra-run nutrition.

If you would like to discuss your goals or any potential nutrition changes to support your revised running regime, book a call with us.

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