Bars of Nauru – Bayview

Bayview, or Bay restaurant is one of the most popular restaurants and bars in Nauru, although this is less of an achievement when you factor in that the Republic of Nauru has four bars.

Located in the Anabare area of Nauru and within walking distance of the bay, and the Hotel Menen it has, without a doubt, the best location of Nauru’s 4 bars.

Unsurprisingly being called Bayview, or the Bay restaurant it is located on the ocean (like most places in Nauru), although you cannot see the sunset from here.

The bar is extremely popular with ex-pats, and the vibe is laid back rather than being party central. Drinks will knock you back about 5 Aussie dollars a pop, depending on what you have.

Restaurant wise there really is no discussion, the Bay Restaurant is the best in Nauru. Technically it’s Asian fusion, but in reality, you come for the pizza, burgers, and sashimi that is not just good by Nauruan standards, but bloody good by any standards.

If you visit Nauru for more than a few days you should and will eat there more than once.

Closed on Sundays and public holidays, but hey no one is perfect!

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