Kiwi Mart Cambodia – is it that bad?

Kiwi Mart Cambodia is it all that bad? On many an article i have slammed Kiwi Mart, the main convenience store in Cambodia. I have slated the place on a regular basis, quite simply because it was not in my mind as good as a Hong Kong 7-Eleven.

To read about Hong Kong 7-Eleven click here .

Whilst acting the place, I have quite hypocritically pretty much visited Kiwi Mart in Phnom Penh basically every night. So, why the bitching and with 7-Eleven letting me down so much, was my bitching justified? Let’s take a look at things….

Who are Kiwi Mart Cambodia?

Kiwi Mart Cambodia
Kiwi Mart Cambodia

Well quite simply Kiwi Mart Cambodia are a convenience store chain that are all over the country. I’m going to look int their background in a bit, but also go out on a limb and say they are owned by Kiwi’s? Kiwi Mart.

I’ll be honest I looked very weakly on Google for “What is the history of Kiwi Mart” and was given two options a store in Scandinavia where the owner is now dead and the Kwok-E-Mart where Apu was sacked from due to racism. You see the thought of an Indian running a convince store was considered prosperous – truly do live in strange times.

Kiwi Mart are though the biggest and now dare I say best convenience store at least in Phnom Penh.

What can you buy at Kiwi Mart?

Kiwi Mart has all the creature comforts you need from a corner store, there’s toiletries, candy, lady things, drinks and cheeses and meats. They even have Kiwi Mart sandwiches, but they are like $3 and shit. I think this was where my ain beer with them came from.

The drinks are extremely varied to be fair both alcohol and soft drinks, I recently even purchased a Cherry Coke here, that made me fairly happy. Alcohol wise they sell cheap Soju and even hard liquor. The beer, cigarettes, and even cokes are more expensive than your average mom and pop Cambodian corner shop and I guess this is where my original beef came from.

What else do I need to know about Kiwi Mart Cambodia?

When there is a liquor ban, like now they stick to it, even putting up posters saying “no booze”.  Mom and pop stores less so. If you  are reading this in the future “get off your hoverboard put down your robot and listen”. Back in the days of coronavirus there was an alcohol ban in phnom Penh! Why? Because drunk people do stupid things….

To read about the alcohol ban in Phnom Penh click here.

Kiwi Mart vs 7-Eleven clashes the titans

Kiwi Mart Cambodia
Kiwi Mart Cambodia

OK maybe I am being whiny bitch because it cost me $7 return to get there and back, or maybe I was just disappointed  with 7-Eleven, but really what was I to expect?

I prefer 7-Eleven to Circle K in Hong Kong, but in reality there is no difference, one is just a bit better. It will be the same with Kiwi-Mart and 7-Eleven in the end, both fit local palates and both will copy each other.

Kiwi Mart Cambodia I forgive you, I will no cheat on you unless 7-Eleven Cambodia gets hotter and I mean much hotter.

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