Top Pacific Island Foods

Having just come off a 31 one day tour, I’m still trying to relax a little, and get my head around things, but I guess I should blog whilst things are fresh in my head!

The pacific islands are not exactly famous for their food, and some of it honestly isn’t that great, but there are a few culinary and street food gems in the Pacific. Here are my top tips for the best Pacific Island Foods.

Cuisine of Palau

I loved Palau, but when it comes to the food there is definitely more than a passing Filipino influence! My Palau cuisine highlights were amazing sashimi, with the bottom end of the spectrum being hairy bat, and spam curry. I like spam, but it does not go with curry…

Bat soup on Palau
Bat soup on Palau

Micronesian Cuisine

In Micronesia, it’s all about the feast, which usually includes a spit-roasted pig. Honestly had one of our best meals here, and it was free!

Marshall Islands Cuisine

In the Marshall Islands, it’s all about the Marshallese Poke, a raw tuna fish endemic to the islands. Extremely good, and served at the wonderful Marshall Islands Resort (MIR).

Cuisine of Nauru

I’ve written too much about food in this country, so I’ll keep it brief. Noddy Bird which tastes like liver, and coconut fish, raw tuna in coconut milk. Both were amazing.

Coconut fish in Nauru

The cuisine of the Solomon Islands

Fabulous street food! Fish, chicken, sausages all served on the side of the road! Really good stuff. Oh and course the egg of the Megapide bird, which was mega (see what I did there)

Megapode egg

Cuisine of Vanuatu

They got flying fox (very gamey), escargot (very french), and good to wash down kava (gets you high). Lots of tarot and cassava too.

Cuisine of Tuvalu

Great local vegetables, coconut crab, and a unique take on sashimi. Another place that embraces a big dead pig at a party!

Cuisine of Samoa

We didn’t stay long, but I had sashimi, poke, and orca, all raw tuna dishes. Great local beer that deserves kudos too.

Cuisine of American Samoa

McDonald’s on the seafront.

Cuisine of Tonga

We heard tales of dogs but never found them. We did though find the best burgers in Tonga, made by Australians. Also some pretty good Tongan street food.

That’s my very brief guide to eating in the Pacific Islands. Enjoy the epic food pictures.

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