You’ve had a long day at work and you’ve just managed to squeeze in a workout at the gym. Now, you must make the choice – do I go through the store and labour through the tube station with two arms full of groceries to head home and cook? Or do I quickly and conveniently pick up a domino’s pizza – no clean up required. The combination of hunger, tiredness and an empty fridge at home can often lead us to impulsively make poor food choices, hindering our health and fitness goals.

When it comes to eating healthy, being prepared is the key to staying on track, but even this can take up precious time that let’s be honest, in London, we very rarely have. Cue Fresh Fitness Food! By taking care of your nutrition and the need to plan, shop, cook and clean, we not only keep you on track to achieving your goals, we give you back valuable time (approximately 10 hours per week in fact) that could be otherwise spent.

And with all the time we devote commuting to and from work, which in itself most often exceeds the standard 9 to 5 grind, an extra 10 hours a week could go a long way. Here are five things you could be doing (while we do the cooking for you):

1. Relax – you deserve it!
Work deadlines, long commutes, bills – these are just a few of the things that contribute to the stress we experience daily. Making time to properly relax is important as excess stress leads to the production of a hormone known as cortisol. Excess cortisol can not only promote weight gain, but some studies have shown that this hormone promotes fat storage, particularly around the abdomen. So allocate some “me” time to do something calming – take a yoga class, go for a walk, read a book and recharge your batteries!

2. Spend time with your loved ones
Catch up with family members you haven’t seen in a while or see a movie with a friend. Feeling connected with your loved ones is a big part of what makes us happy, and being able to do so without the constraints of time and obligations is a great way to relax and enjoy the company of those close to us.

3. Catch up on chores
No one wants to spend their day off vacuuming! Catch up on your weekend house chores during the week and instead allow yourself a nice lie-in on Saturday morning followed by a leisurely walk through the park – you’ve got time for it!

4. Workout without worries
Instead of rushing to fit in a gym session on your lunch break, take the time before or after work to do your favourite gym class knowing that your healthy, prepped meal is waiting at home for you. Exercise also releases endorphins, a neurotransmitter responsible for relieving stress and enhancing pleasure, another reason to get moving!

5. Learn something!
Take an online course, learn a language or adopt a hobby! Keeping your mind active with something that you enjoy can be a great way to learn a new skill. Studies have shown that learning a second language can improve memory and concentration, as well as lower the risks of developing Alzheimer’s.
Convenience and speed often taking precedent over what could be the choice between a healthy, home-cooked meal and a fast and most often unhealthy dinner on the go. Being prepared without having to spend time doing the things it takes to be prepared, will not only make sure that you are eating well, but will also gift you back valuable free time – something that in the modern world, we never seem to have enough of.

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