Singapore Frog Restaurant – the best of street 144

Singapore frog restaurant is a place I have walked past a heck of a lot of times, it looks good, I assumed served frog and indeed had at least some kind of Singaporean influence. After watching the mighty Electricite du Cambodge vs Asia Euro United FC match and then having beers at Ohlala I decided to eat here.

To read about Olala click here

For the July football fixtures in Cambodia click here

Where is Singapore Frog Restaurant

It is not to far from the riverside, near Kandal Marketand on Street 144. If one were to get on the beers on say street 130, then some spicy frog would make the perfect street food finish to your evening.

To read about the bars on Street 130 click here .

What do they sell at Singapore Frog Restaurant?

Ask a silly question, get a silly answer. They sell all manor of frog dishes, with us going for lemongrass frog, frogs with pepper and Japanese style tofu. The dishes were superb, particularly when you factor in the price. Three dishes, two beers and a water coming in at just about $15.

The lemongrass frog was probably the standout dish and I really cannot understand why more folk do not cook with this. The perfect amount of spice. And the bones? Frog tastes great and in fact probably tastes more like chicken than actual chicken, yes the bones are a pain in the ass, but you gotta role with it.

Overall impression

Singapore Frog Restaurant
Singapore Frog Restaurant

I’d walked past and wondered many times, now I no longer need to wonder about it. I still cannot work out the Singapore connection because the owners were Khmer. Maybe Singapore is famous for frog? Or the owners just liked the name.

Was it the best frog in Phnom Penh though? Perhaps it was!

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