Seoul Restaurant Cambodia

Seoul Restaurant Cambodia is, by my reckoning at least probably the most popular franchise in the country. Burger King has but a mere 11 locations, KFC less still, and McDonalds? Don’t even get me started on these guys – there is no McDonalds in Cambodia.

To read about why there is no McDonalds in Cambodia click here .

Franchises in Cambodia

seoul restaurant cambodia
seoul restaurant cambodia

In fact when it comes to Franchises in Cambodia I know a whole heap of useless and extremely boring facts about the matter! Why do I know this? From my time writing business articles for the Khmer Times. Ready for some fun facts?

Cambodia has 130 main active franchises, although if you include lower level and quality Khmer ones it goes up to around the 200 mark. This is in comparison to 13000 in the Philippines and 773,603 in the United States. Need a source for my numbers? Personal interviews, research and Mr fecking Google. No one can doubt my journalistic integrity.

Seoul Restaurant (មីហឹរ៧យ៉ាង)

seoul restaurant cambodia
seoul restaurant cambodia

Despite being in the country this long yesterday was the first time that I had ever ventured into the place, but it s literally everywhere. In Phnom Penh you see them a lot, amusingly with there even being one branch opposite the embassy of the DPRK. In the old days Cambodia and the DPRk were quite god friends.

Away from the city though is where they are most apparent. I have seen branches in small cities like Kratie and Stung Treng. This might not sound that strange to non-Khmer, or Barang, but it really is the only “local” brand, aside from Ize you see in the smaller cities.

Despite being in the country this long yesterday was the first time that I had ever ventured into the place, but it s literally everywhere. In Phnom Penh you see them a lot, amusingly with there even being one branch opposite the embassy of the DPRK. In the old days Cambodia and the DPRk were quite god friends.

To read about the friendship between Kim Il Sung and King Sihanouk click here .

Away from the city though is where they are most apparent. I have seen branches in small cities like Kratie and Stung Treng. This might not sound that strange to non-Khmer, or Barang, but it really is the only “local” brand, aside from Ize you see in the smaller cities.

To read about Kratie click here .

What food do they serve at Seoul Restaurant Cambodia?

Let us ignore the obvious by saying Korean food, infant Seoul Restaurant Cambodia serves a more limited Korean many more suites to Khmer tastes, more Kmer-Korean fusion if you will. There is less BBQ and more spicy Korean type soups and things like bimbap, not exactly reinventing the wheel here. Of course they have Soju, Korean teas and warm cokes and beers served with ice – all very Khmer.

To read why you should drink Soju click here

I went for two dishes, takoyaky – which I suspect might be Japanese and were kind of like deep fried-squid type balls. And of course some spicy ramen noodles, which were spicy, had sausage and were hardly the stuff to rock your world.

Overall though I am glad I have finally sampled this fine franchise. I may not come here when I fancy fine Korean food, for that I would head to the only North Korean restaurant in Phnom Penh.

You can read about the North Korean restaurant in Phnom Penh here

Yet if I am traveling through the Cambodian boonies, then I may well head into here if I have extinguished all the street food options and simply need a restaurant with some AC.

Look long live the Great Cambodian Franchise!

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