Goodbye Micronesia

Country 152, the Federated States of Micronesia, let’s shorthand you Micronesia from now on was eventful, quick (2 nights), but eventful.

Initial impressions were not great, with our hotel not only being ill-prepared to pick us up but having the rooms far from ready.

But they also had this amazingly friendly way about them of not only making up their screw-ups, but kinda making you feel bad for complaining.

Our two days were not only spent exploring some truly epic scenery but also being treated to some top-notch food. On both our nights here the hotel treated us to food. the first night to say sorry, but the second night to a true Micronesian feast.

The Federated States of Micronesia night not have invented Island Time, but they’ve sure as heck perfected it.

It’s hard to exactly pinpoint what I loved about Micronesia, but I’ll certainly be back one day.

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