Fire Ants Cambodia

Fire ants are a very Cambodian delicacy, and rather good!

We’d began our day planning to drive from Phnom Penh to Siem Reap, a theoretical 5 hour journey, and fairly cheap at between $50-60 (depending on your bargaining skills).

About halfway through the journey, we stopped at Prey Pros River, a very scenic rest-stop, which it turned out served fairly good food.

We had standard stuff like fried spring rolls, spicy chicken, and some weird Cambodian rice-crispy type things, before trying the aforementioned Fire Ants. Fire Ants eat you alive in Cambodia, this was our chance to bite back!

Actually we’d eaten half the dish before realizing it was the fire ants, as it also came with beef and veggies. Amusingly we thought there were actual ants on our plate before realizing.

In fact you couldn’t really taste the ants, it was more like a spicy beef dish…..But pretty good, and another Cambodian dish to tick off the tried list.

We washed it Siem with ABC Stout, which at 8% was exactly what the doctor ordered!

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