Epic Images

One might argue that deep down I have always been The Street Food Guy, although my current blogging incarnation as such has been going for just under a year – in that time I have collected some truly epic images, not just of food, but of some of the great places I have traveled with YPT, LBI, GNT, and even by myself.

What is an epic image? To me, an epic image is one that truly grabs you and transports you to that place like no other image could. That is what it means to me anyway.

I have put together my 12 favourite epic images from the last two years. Let me know what you think. Spoiler alert, not all of them are food.

Very much a foodie pick, these perfect pieces of Tuna were eaten in Nauru on our least visited countries tour.

Another gem from Nauru, an urbx dream. The failing infrastructure of a once rich country falling into the Pacific Ocean.

Another epic image from our least visited countries tour. This gem is from Kiribati.

A more recent one from my trip is a great waterfall in Albania. A beautiful girl taking a picture in front of great scenery makes this an epic image.

You can’t talk about epic images without mentioning the Mass Games. There is still time to see it this year.

I took this in the Philippines during our extreme Philippines tour. Silhouette of a girl taking a selfie as the sun goes down.

One of our hosts on the GNT trip to Cebu. It really is more fun in the Philippines.

Ok this epic image is of me! When we celebrated 10 years of YPT in Acuña for May Day.

epic images

Every year we watch the Cutud Lenten Rites festival. If you don’t know what self-flagellation is, it’s this.

epic images

Tuvalu is one of our favourite countries and this shipwreck on Funafuti really touched me.

And lastly a pho cocktail from Hanoi. When we attended the Trump Kim summit one of the best cocktails I’ve ever had.

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