Epic Images from Serbia and Bosnia

Spending two months filming in Albania really took a toll on my sanity, hopefully, our Castle Freak reboot will make it all worthwhile, so my holiday to Serbia and Bosnia was very much appreciated! It almost felt like an invisible weight had been lifted from my shoulders!

I have already done more than enough blogs about the trip in Serbia and Bosnia, but will finish with this last one highlighting some of the photos that I feel encapsulate Belgrade, Banja Luka, and Prijedor!

Enjoy, and feel free to comment!

Music, Food, Drinks, welcome to Serbia and Bosnia

I have no idea who these people are, but who doesn’t like a selfie at a music festival?

home-cooked soup from Prijedor.

Ok, it’s just a soup, but we were treated to some great home-cooked food with the family we stayed within Prijedor.

Epic Images from Serbia and Bosnia

Without a doubt the best cure for a hangover and probably my favourite day in Prijedor.

Cockta and Gentleman Jack in Banja Luka

Cockta and Gentleman Jack in Banja Luka.

Park Party! Weird drinks and shirts off in Prijedor

Party in the park! Lots of weird drinks and shirts off in Prijedor.

Pionir Negro hard candy from Yugoslavia

I’ll just leave this one here…

My adopted Serbian family

Fabulous dinner, laughs, and, of course, Rakia with my adopted Serbian family.

Apricot Rakia on the Rakia bar in Belgrade

Apricot Rakia on the Rakia bar in Belgrade.

3 Islandians holding up drinks

And lastly, to finish my trip in Serbia and Bosnia, 3 Islandians holding up the cause for www.letsbuyanisland.com.

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