Exploring Khartoum with Delhi Belly

Considering I’d not slept in 28 hours I ended up with a good solid 8 uninterrupted hours of kip on night one. Despite my lack of faith breakfast at the Khartoum Plaza Hotel was top notch, if not eclectic. But, English chips, mash, cheese, and fresh milk beat a Chinese breakfast any day.

Or at least I thought so until our urban exploration started and myself and James Martin got “Delhi belly”. More to ass pissing later.

As it was Friday and it’s a Muslim country we went to see what was open, which was not a lot. Mogran Family Park is apparently a must see. It was awesome from an Urbanx point of view, but closed, very much closed. We did though get to see where the white and blue Nile converge, which was pretty cool.

By this point dehydration was not even the word, we needed liquid and we needed it quick. We’d discovered Sudanese Uber by this point so, hopped and skipped to the best cafe in town, O-Zone Khartoum.

I immediately ordered 3 local juices, Tamarind, Lemon, and karkadeh (I’ve not heard of it either). The cafe was a full blown restaurant with a fabulous western menu, and ice-cream and cakes to die for.

Karkadeh Juice

Alas urinating from our anuses got the better of us, and we headed back to the relative tranquility of the Khartoum Plaza Hotel and our toilets.

I am the street food guy, so will eat street food in Khartoum, but all in good time.

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