Hipster bars on Bassac Lane

Bassac Lane is a hip and trendy part of Phnom Penh that we accidentally ended up. It’s described as a vibrant drinking area, with few mentions of your proximity to hipsters.

Hipster Cocktails

We’d actually ended up here by accident having booked Poolside Villa. Poolside Hotel was full of long term renters stuck in Cambodia with dirty rooms and a filthy pool. They had no safes in the room. We didn’t stay that long.

Our first port of call was Phnom Penh Yacht Club. Great oysters, but loud posh English expats meaning about Cambodia screwing with the vibe.

There’s then another back alley with a ton of small bars, all on the more expensive side and again mostly pretentious. The one gem though was White Rabbit, which although smooth and expensive ($9 a cocktail) was genuinely very good. I particularly enjoyed the Mexican Mule…

The only other highlight was Moma Wong’s which in my humble opinion has the best dumplings in Phnom Penh.

Oyster Shot Phnom Penh

We soon left the area more comfortable in our skin at the flesh bars of Street 130 and beyond. Much more to a refined gentlemen’s fancy.

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