Best Burger in Kampot

Where is the best burger in Kampot? Long story short it’s at Laundry Cafe Burger Bar.

Generally speaking, I’ve been a very good street food boy, but every now and again you gotta follow the masses, and the masses required burgers. According to our local contacts, Laundry Cafe Burger Bar was the best in Kampot. We needed to test this theory.

The menu was fairly mind-blowing, with an array of burgers from 5-7 dollars, with the majority opting for the spicy Poncho Villa Burger.

Having local contacts meant I was to be treated to the “secret” menu, which consisted of Jack Daniels Burger with pulled pork. More on that later…

Next door was the Hurricane Brewski, which served Canadian and American “comfort food”. We ordered poutine, similar to our chips and gravy, if nothing else to keep our little Canadian happy.

The owner of Laundry Cafe is a bit of a character, and it wasn’t long before I was introduced to Angkor Beer with jäger. Interesting, but as a jäger traditionalist, not my bag baby.

angkor beer

And to the burgers! Phenomenal, mine was huge, with the juice of the pulled pork really making the difference on this burger. The spicy burger looked great too, although we were all so involved in our food no one shared…

The poutine went as a great accompaniment, especially for the homesick Canadian we had with us. Not just the best burgers in Kampot, but probably in the running for best Cambodian burger too.

A street food guy recommendation!

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