4 Ways Whiskey Was Made to Keep the Hollies Jolly  

It’s about that time of year when the weather gets colder and we need all of the help we can get to stay warm during the holidays. Keep the sweater on and toss a new log in the fire, but don’t forget to keep whiskey in the mix to warm the body and spirit. Few other malts will keep you and your loved ones so toasty and jolly during the holidays over the coming months, but whiskey isn’t just for neat pours. Here are four reasons you need to keep whiskey on-hand as we approach the end of the year.

The Perfect Gift
Christmas Present Jack Daniels drinkmemag.com drink me Why Whiskey was made for Christmas

Nothing will boost you to the top of Santa’s nice list like giving the gift of whiskey to your friends and family this holiday season. Whether your recipient likes bourbon, scotch, or rye, you can’t go wrong with giving a bottle of Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey, perhaps the most reliable whiskey in the U.S.

Seasonal Cocktails
JD Seasonla Cocktails drinkmemag.com drink me Why Whiskey was made for Christmas

Stay warm in the November chill by adding whiskey to your favorite apple cider, hot cocoa, or evening tea, or take it up a notch by whipping up your own hot toddy, complete with a generous pour of Jack Daniel’s. If you’re a fan of the ever-popular pumpkin spice trend, add a splash of Jack to your favorite coffee-forward pumpkin spice latte at home for fall flavors with a kick.

Holiday Cooking
Holiday Cooking drinkmemag.com drink me Why Whiskey was made for Christmas

Whether you’re more of a savory or sweet eater, whiskey can take your meal to the next level. A homemade salted caramel-whiskey sauce will boost your grandma’s bread pudding recipe to beloved notoriety, and a hickory-whiskey glaze can turn the carnivore’s choice into a savory delight everyone at your holiday dinner will remember.

Family Gathering
JD Family Gatherings drinkmemag.com drink me Why Whiskey was made for Christmas

Whether a house full of family brings you stress or delight, nothing serves up smiles and laughs quite like a nice pour of Tennessee whiskey courtesy of Jack Daniel’s. Keep the good times rolling with a classic spirit or calm the family with a warm nightcap topped off with a pour of Jack. A full bottle on the shelf will never steer you wrong no matter the season or occasion.

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