Eat Thai at Sambo

I’ll get straight to the point, Sambo is the best Thai restaurant in Siem Reap! And seeing as you can’t just go rent a gf Bangkok right now, the closest we have to a Thai experience.

To read bout the best Thai dishes in Siem Reap click here.

Being literally next to Thailand you’d rightly expect that Cambodia would have a knack for Thai cuisine. Couple this in withe the fact that many Cambodians work in Thailand and the end result is you can eat Thai well in Siem Reap.

Why is Sambo so good?

Basically the staff and owners here are part Thai and therefore extremely friendly people! This has led to the restaurant having an almost cult like status and following, and people make the effort to come here. I truly do love a restaurant where the service staff are happy to discuss what you like and help you order, which is what they do here.

What’s the food at Sambo?

Amazing, and there’s pretty much every Thai at Sambo you can think of on the menu. Sambo is also extremely vegetarian and vegan friendly with most dishes giving the option of adding beef, pork, or chicken.

Thai at Sambo

Our group went for a decent range of dishes, covering all the main groups like pad Thai for example, but the standout dish happened to be my one! Thai Yellow curry with huge potatoes and chicken on the bone.

Thai at Sambo

And for desert mango sticky rice? What is not to like about that? And with beers at only a dollar it meant the 6 of us struggled to spend $30…….

If you want great Thai dish head to Sambo’s in Siem Reap.

Thai at Sambo

Where is Sambo Restaurant?

Directly opposites the new JD’s Bar, which in itself is worth a quick shot in! And roughly next to the unimaginative Unity Hostel.

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