Frog stuffed with pork – Cambodia style

Frog stuffed with pork is apparently quite a delicacy in Cambodia, so when I saw it, I simply had to have it!

Recently in Siem Reap a friend said to me that she had to take me “off roading”. At the time I was not absolutely sure what this would entail, so in classic Street Food Guy style ended up out on the drink. The phone in my hotel went off at 7.30 am at which point a road trip was not exactly what I wanted to do.

We set off on the trip regardless, which involved me sleeping on most of the way to Battambang, the third biggest city in Cambodia. The stop was brief and involved mediocre Chinese noodles.

Getting to Pailin

We carried on to Pailin, a city famously still staunchly Khmer Rouge that borders Thailand. Well the war is now well and truly over, with the only victims now being empty casinos due to the coronavirus pandemic. We took nice photos, visited some buddhist stuff and went for our arduous march home.

To read more about Pailin click here.

On the way back it was decided that we had to eat, you know as humans food becomes a thing. The main problem was that we were in the Cambodian countryside and one of our group was vegetarian. Occasionally you do not win friends with salad.

Frogs are a thing in Cambodia big time, so when I saw HUGE frogs on a BBQ I was frankly sold.

To read about eating frogs in Cambodia click here.

Me and my friend duly got down to munching on the BBQ’s frog before I realized something quite strange, it was filled with minced pork! Really not what I was expecting!

Kongbeb borb as pork stuffed crab is called in Cambodia is a street food must when you visit Cambodia, and for whatever reason it works. The frog famously has a chicken type taste (everything tastes of chicken) and when you combine that with minced pork and of course Cambodian spices it really is one of the strange, but great street treats you can have when you travel in Cambodia.

We supplemented said dish with a Cambodian beer and some classic pork skewers, which more than filled a hole as we made our way back to Siem Reap and the legendary Star Bar.

Kongbeb borb – AKA pork stuffed frog, a Khmer street food sensation!

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