Best places to travel in Cambodia

What are the best places to travel in Cambodia? I never expected to spend a year in Cambodia, to be honest since my teens I never expected to spend one year in ANY country, but these are not normal times.

A year has thus been spent in the country and for better, or worse this is now my home. My time here has had its ups and it’d downs. The highs have been great, whilst the lows have been some of the worst of my life. I have though now come to love the country as a home. My life is here.

OK, that got a bit sentimental, I’ll try and go back to my tough Street Food Guy persona. Being here a year has not meant that I have not traveled, to the contrary I have been all over this great country. No two places have been the same, but what re the best places to travel in Cambodia? Where is the best street food in Cambodia? And what about Dark Tourism? All that and more in my best places to travel in Cambodia article!

To read which countries are open to travel click here .

Without further delay, the best places to travel in Cambodia

Best places to travel in Cambodia for Dark Tourism – Anlong Veng

I’ve always had a deep fascination with the Khmer Rouge, this interest has led my lifelong obsession with Cambodia. I guess in sone ways me living here was inevitable.

Anlong Veng was the last holdout of the Khmer Rouge, with vestiges of Angkar remaining until the 199 capture of Ta Mok.

To read about Ta Mok click here .

What you will find today is a sleepy town near the Thai border with numerous sites related to the Khmer Rouge, such as the grave of Pol Pot. A truly fascinating place, my first proper trip in Cambodia and a must visit site.

To read the Anlong Veng guide lick here .

Best places to travel in Cambodia for street food – Kep

I only discovered this one last week, but holy crap did I hit the motherload. Kep is a city on the sea in southern Cambodia. Less famous than Sihanoukville, but in spitting distance of Kampot.

The main reason to come here is Kep Crab Market. I have not had seafood to rival this since Rason in North Korea.

To read about Rason click here

To read about seafood in Kep click here .

Aside from the Street Food they have great beaches and the kind of laid back attitude you only find in beach towns. I like it here.Bes places to travel in Cambodia for street food? head to Kep

To read the Kep Guide click here .

Best hidden gem of Cambodia – Koh Trong

Not to be confused with Koh Kong, or Koh Rong! Koh Trong is an island opposite Kratie. You go to Kratie to look at doplhins. I had a particularly special Christmas in Kratie. I spent two days on Koh Trong. A very simply Khmer island with a laid back attitude. Honestly one of my favoritee places in Cambodia.

To read the Kratie Guide click here .

To read the Koh Trong Guide click here .

Best places to travel in Cambodia – most improved? Kampot

Kampot was actually the first place that I ever visited in Cambodia and initially we were even supposed to live there. To say I did not like it would be an understatement, but I have since been back a number of times and well fallen a bit in love with the place.

One of the most interesting places I have ever been was Bokor Hill.

To read about Bokor Hill click here

To read the Kampot Guide click here .

Kampot is well and truly worth a visit.

Worst place to travel in Cambodia?

If theres an up there is a down and if there is a top there is a bottom (no in a gay way). The worst place I have been so far is Koh Kong “City” not really a city, but a small town, with very little going on at all.

Before Covid things were hardly eclectic, but now? Well they are worse frankly. What little that was here has gone.

To read about Koh Kong Street Food click here

To read about Koh Kong “nightlife” click here

They do got great street food though, although so does Kep. Really no reason to go to Koh Kong.

Best Place to Travel in Cambodia – Koh Rong

Many years ago I visited Koh Rong Sanloem, but they were different times with different people. This time I finally got to see Koh Rong Island. My first trip was in August. It had followed a difficult time, but was still probably the most special trip I have taken in the country. I have sine been back two times and each time I live the company and the place even more.

Why is Koh Rong so special? It is hard to say, but when you factor in that it is a tropical island paradise, it is hard not to get things right. But of course it is more than that, the people make this place very special. The overall vibe is not pretentious, but friendly and welcoming.

Then theres simply the sentimental value, each trip has just bene special for special reasons and I will always remember them.

To read the Koh Rong Guide click here

To read about street food in Koh Rong click here .

If you are in Cambodia now is very much the time to visit the islands, when tourism comes back so indeed will the crowds. Cover might be shit, but take the opportunities it gives too.

And those are the street food guys best places to travel in Cambodia. There are still a few places I have not been, so this list may get bigger, who knows? I still hope to see much more of the country, so I expect to be adding more to the best places in Cambodia – watch this space!

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