Whether you are health conscious, work 9-5 or happen to be a professional athlete, breakfast will be one of the most important meals you eat in your day. Disease prevention, cognitive function and sufficient energy are just some of the benefits that an adequate breakfast can provide you.
But what can you eat to get these benefits? There will always be different answers/suggestions to this question. In my opinion, it will always vary accordingly to the individual. Daily activity levels, muscular development, body types, medical conditions, environmental factors, social commitments and economical determinants will all provide considerations as to what you can/should eat.
Assuming there is no disruption to your circadian cycle and your sleeping and waking within appropriate hours, some advice for breakfast I would advocate is that the meal is based around a source of protein and should have sufficient amounts of the other macro nutrients fat and carbohydrates, whilst ensuring you get a varied source of micro nutrients.

Best Breakfasts - Jamie Farrell | Fresh Fitness Food BlogBest Breakfasts - Jamie Farrell | Fresh Fitness Food Blog

Starting the day with an adequate source of protein will stimulate protein synthesis, help preserve muscle tissue between your meals, assists with insulin sensitivity and aid in providing satiation during your meal (feeling of fullness). Some studies have shown protein to have the most satiating effect compared to the other two macro nutrients fat and carbohydrates. Some great sources of protein for breakfast I would recommend are meat, eggs, beans or organ meats.
Another nutrient to consider would be carbohydrates. The amount of carbohydrates recommended will vary, depending on how much activity you will be planning to do that day. Carbohydrates are your bodies preferred source of fuel for most. I would recommend having a lower glycemic index (low GI) type of carbohydrate to start the day, this will allow your blood sugars to remain stable and promote a slow release of glucose into your blood throughout the morning, ensuring satiety is kept until your next meal. Examples of low GI sources of carbs are oats, sourdough rye, vegetables or beans.
Potentially one of the most important macro nutrients, would be a source of fat. With your bodies cells being coated in a layer of fat, having an adequate amount will support insulin signalling and allow them to signal for glucose more efficiently, encouraging better energy production and metabolism. Fat at breakfast will help stabilise blood sugar levels throughout the day and can help with fat loss due to an efficient metabolism. Example of fats are butter, milk, avocado, types of nuts, certain oils and omega 3 from fish.
Ensuring a colourful unlimited varied source of micro nutrients will be key to completing your breakfast. With low calorie contents it’s near impossible to over eat on these powerful foods. Lack of vitamins and minerals has been linked to illness and disease. We need them in order for our cells and bodily functions to operate sufficiently. Examples of micro nutrient rich foods are fruits (although take into consideration most fruits do have a high GI content) and vegetables like kale, spinach, broccoli, carrot etc..
Breakfast timing is a variable topic, with considerations like morning cortisol levels and appetite affecting peoples hunger levels and willingness to actually eat breakfast. Assistance with morning hunger can be addressed with a relevant exercise routine, the importance of eating breakfast is high. So thinking that a quick bowl of porridge once you get into work unfortunately doesn’t really count.
So starting the day with a nutritious breakfast will encourage a healthier brain function by positively influencing neurotransmitter signals, influence efficient hormone balance, will help control appetite and hunger, enable you to think clearer and perform better as well as looking aesthetically healthier and help prevent illness. Give your body the start to the day it needs, eat breakfast!
Find your best breakfast in our green and black bags…

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