In this day and age a person stands out at the gym if they don’t finish off their session with a protein shake. Protein is the fastest growing food supplement on the market, and companies appear to be capitalising on the mentality of gym goers by fortifying all sorts of food products with protein, from bread, to crisps and even water! Is it all necessary or is it just a trend?
Protein is one of the three macronutrients needed by the body. This means it is required in relatively large quantities to keep the body functioning optimally. It is made up of essential and non-essential amino acids, which are the building blocks of muscle. Essential amino acids are those which cannot be synthesised by the body, and therefore must be obtained from food. In their absence, it would be impossible to build, repair or maintain muscle mass.

Addicted to Protein? | Fresh Fitness Food BlogAddicted to Protein? | Fresh Fitness Food Blog

We know an adequate intake is important to for the body to function, as well as to support training. But how much is too much? And are supplements really necessary, to meet your daily requirements?
More often than not, people are resorting to supplements to help them increase their protein intake. There are a huge number of online retailers all offering a variety of products, each with different offers to reel people in. There lies a question – do people know what they’re taking, why they’re taking it and do they know the difference between whey isolate, casein and micellar whey? For most, that answer would probably be no. This is worrying as people are potentially misinformed and aren’t certain about what they are consuming each day.
Now I’m not saying protein supplements are bad and should be ousted. Protein supplements have their uses, but shouldn’t be relied on. They should not be used as a base for the diet and should always be considered a supplement to a healthy diet, not a substitute for food. Food should always come first.
Supplements are expensive and many start to rely on them instead of opting for wholesome food sources. A scoop of whey doesn’t have the same micronutrient breakdown as a chicken breast due to its artificial nature, further supporting the need for the food first approach.
Most people can, and probably are, consuming an adequate amount of protein from the food they are eating. Those wanting to increase their intake should first look to do so by having slightly larger portions of protein with each meal, or by adding on an additional meal each day. It takes a little bit more time and planning, instead of just reaching for a shake but the benefits of a healthy well-balanced diet are worth it!
If time to prep is your issue, we at FFF can help you out by removing the need to plan, shop, cook or clean!

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