Answer Ireland’s Call

Photo Credit: David Katz

Knappogue Castle’s whiskey is perfect on its own, but it is so versatile that it can be added to almost anything seamlessly. One such cocktail that is turning heads not only in Ireland but also all around the world is Ireland’s Call. Ireland’s Call incorporates Knappogue Castle’s 12-year whiskey with Cynar, lime and ginger juice and topped with club soda. The bitterness of the Cynar pairs well with the 12 year’s rich smooth blend. Adding a citrus zest are two orange slices to finish off this bold cocktail. You’ll feel refreshed and ready for another as you finish off your glass. Ireland is calling. Will you answer the call?


Ireland’s Call

1 oz Knappogue Castle 12 Year Old

1 oz Cynar

½ oz Lime juice

¾ oz Ginger juice

2 Orange slices

Club soda

Shake with ice all ingredients except club soda. Strain into a highball glass and top with club soda. Garnish with slice of orange or ginger.


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