Ozone Cafe Khartoum

Arriving in a Muslim country on a Friday means there’s not all that much to explore, although we tried our best. Key sites turned out to be bridges, and an abandoned theme park.

Four hours into exploration we decided that as we had mild heat stroke, and I had the proverbial mouth like a nuns muff, we opted to head for liquid refreshments.

Hibiscus Juice

Again with it being Friday, options were limited, so we headed for posh place that google said was open. O-Zone Café, Khartoum. What hit us was a massive surprise. A very western restaurant with a top menu, and (non-alcoholic) drinks galore. But the icing on the cake (literally) ice-creams and deserts to die for.

I genuinely drank 7 drinks in quick succession, with the highlight being karkadeh (hibiscus) juice.

Food wise the western menu included sandwiches, pizza, and huge burgers. I went for their version of a super burger, a big piece of beef, veg, and egg. As you see from the photo, a truly might beast of a burger.

Deserts included the aforementioned ice-creams, as well as Egyptian baklava, and what I opted for the “ mango surprise” (awesome).

Now I get it, you don’t travel to Khartoum for awesome western food BUT, if you do require a western food fix, Ozone cafe isn’t just great for Sudan, it’s just a wonderful place in general.

Not sold yet? They sell tourist crap outside Ozone cafe….

Is it the best restaurant in Khartoum? No, that’s probably the Corinthea (Gaddafi egg), Ozone is the best cafe/western restaurant.

Ice cream at Ozone Cafe – Khartoum

The Street Food Guy thoroughly approves of Ozone Cafe!

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