The Great Bukkake Udon noodles!

Bukkake! But no, not that kind, today we are talking noodles, not nooky.

I literally can’t handle it anymore! No longer will photos of bukkake udon noodles in a menu amuse me enough. I have to eat said noodles and write semi-amusing innuendo ridden blog about them.

Bukkake udon noodles are part of the cold noodle family we have previously covered, but let’s deal with the elephant in the room, they also got a funny name.

What’s in a name?

If you’ve made it this far I’ll assume you get the “bukkake” cultural reference. If not I’ll give you a few minutes to google the word……Ok? That’s bukkake. So, what might you ask does this have to do with food? Indeed no pun intended. Well the word bukkake literally means “heavy splash” if we are to crudely translate. In relation to bukkake udon one can only assume it’s related to how the noodles “splash” you when you eat them?

I’ll just call them udon from now on. Udon are a wheat noodle allegedly introduced to japan in the 14th century from China.

bukkake udon noodles
Bukkake Udon

When did you first try bukkake udon?

The particular brand of cold bukkake udon I was to try was at my favourite Japanese restaurant in Siem Reap. Not the best Japanese restaurant in Siem Reap by a long shot, but certainly my favourite.

So, after endless innuendo how did bukkake udon taste? Well the noodles were a lot more familiar than the buckwheat you get with Pyongyang style and without the mustard element we’re all together a little bland for my tastebuds.

To read about the little known Hamhung cold noodles click here.

It did though come with an egg. Anything that comes with an egg is good by me!.

Japanese fried chicken

We finished the evening with lots of highballs, which conveniently come with fried chicken. I very like Japanese cuisine!

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