White Bean and Tahini Hummus Topped With Kale Pesto Recipe

If you were to eat this recipe in full, you’d be nearing 100% of your daily calcium intake, but we don’t recommend you do that (although it is delicious), we recommend you spread it out and snack across the week, for a daily hit.


For the dip
150g Silken tofu
100g White beans
1 tsp Tahini
1/2 Small clove of garlic
1tsp Lemon juice
1 tbsp Olive oil

For the pesto
100g Kale
60g Parmesan
3 Cloves garlic
75ml Olive oil
1/2 Lemon (juiced)
80g Pine nuts

Salt and pepper to taste


– For the white bean dip, simply add all ingredients to a blender and whizz to a smooth consistency

– For the pesto, strip the leaves off the kal, discard of the tougher stalks and wash what remains

– Blend the remaining ingredients with a hand blender or a regular blender until you have a chunky pesto!

– To serve add a dollop of pesto on top of your hummus and mix through

– Serve with your favourite veggie crudités, on top of rice cakes, inside wraps, or simply as a side to your favourite salads!


Fresh Fitness Food provides personalised meals plans delivered straight to your door, ensuring not only that you have the nutrients you need to manage your stress levels, but also that you have the time usually spent shopping, cooking and washing up, to engage in your favourite stress reducing activity. To discuss which nutrition plan is right for you, book a call with our in-house nutrition team here.

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